Metal laser marking – steel, aluminum, titanium, silver and many other metals
Metal laser marking with fiber laser engraving machines is a success because of:
- Durable & clean: no chemicals, no additives, no inks
- Permanent: metal laser marking is really in the material
- Fast and flexible: no tools, digital design immediately laser engraving into the object
- Contactless so no wear of tools and no pollution
Fiber lasers are mainly used for metal laser marking and laser engraving; these are suitable for marking many different types of metal.
What are the advantages of metal laser marking with laser technology?
Marking metal with the laser is a very accurate and clean way of working with metal. Marking serial numbers, codes and logos can be applied to products and components in the maximum resolution. Marking and engraving metal with the laser is contactless; the metal surface is therefore not damaged.
Metal suitable for laser marking and laser engraving
- Aluminum
- Carbid metal
- Chrome
- Zinc
- Eloxal
- gold
- Cobalt
- Silver
- Copper Metals with coating
- Brass
- Titanium
- Platinum
- Steel
- Tin
Want to get a quote, demonstration or your own material?
You are most welcome to see if laser technology is a suitable solution for your metal engraving application or application. Bring your digital design or material with you to a demonstration and we can view the result on the spot. You can of course also send it to us.
Where is metal laser marking widely used?
Typical application areas for metal laser marking and laser engraving are:
- labeling products,
- coding in the electronic industry (mobile telephones, iPad – usually eloxal marking),
- tool manufacturing and in medical technology.
Suitable laser machines for laser engraving and marking of metal
Closed fiber lasers
Maximum safety for your operator, when the laser is on, the operator can never be exposed to laser light.
Open Fiber lasers
Open fiber laser with integrated PC with laser engraving software. Class 4 laser machine. You should always use certified laser glasses with these machines.
Laser cutting of metal
Laser cutting of metal is also possible with high power fiber lasers. These are machines with increasing power to cut through extremely thick metal sheets in this way. In addition, the work surface is a determining factor. From 90 x 60 cm to 400 x 200 m, these types of machines directly compete with well-known German laser machine manufacturers.