Laser cutting of cup holders in plywood to show how you can make a complete object from a sheet of wood. We have also put this example on Thingiverse, so that you can also download the digital files yourself (in dfx format).
Design was created from an earlier design that we came across on Thingiverse and adapted for this example. This cup was first drawn in Solidworks and then a DXF was made, which was invited into plywood with a CO2 laser. After that, the parts can be clicked together without any gluing (at least except for the black edges ;-).
Laser cutting of cup holders in plywood with a CO2 laser on Thingiverse
Download dfx files - Thingiverse - Closed cup holder ...
Download dfx files - Thingiverse - Open cup holder ...
Examples laser cutting of cup holders in plywood with a CO2 laser

Used laser machine
The above example is made with a CO2 laser cutter. In this specific case an MQ5030 desktop machine, but every CO2 laser cutter is sufficient for cutting thin plywood. If you are considering cutting thicker plywood, you will need more laser power. In that case, think of laser power of 100W-130W. Here you will find the complete portfolio of Co2 laser cutters ...