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High resolution CO2 laser lens


MetaQuip's high resolution CO2 laser lens is the perfect addition to your CO2 laser machine for laser cutting or engraving with very high precision and maximum sharpness and resolution. The smaller laser spot diameter compared to the standard lens allows you to process the material more accurately and precisely.

  • Laser engraving with maximum sharpness and resolution
  • Laser cutting of thin materials with high precision
  • Quickly switch between the standard lens and the high resolution engraving lens
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Laser engraving and laser cutting with finer details and more sharpness

MetaQuip's high resolution laser lens allows you to laser cut with finer details and sharper laser engraving results. This high resolution laser lens fits on any standard CO2 laser machine.

Standard CO2 laser lens

The accuracy of a laser machine is partly determined by the spot diameter that the laser realizes. The following laser lenses are used as standard, depending on the laser power used:

  • 50mm focus distance for 40-60W lasers
  • 63mm focus distance for 80W and above

Laser spot diameter and depth of field

The spot diameter and depth of field (the degree to which the lens remains focused in the material) depend on the focus distance of the laser lens.

Laser cutting of thicker materials

For laser cutting of thick materials, it is recommended, in addition to more laser power, to use a laser lens with a greater depth of field. As a result, the light energy also remains concentrated deeper in the material, so that there is enough energy to evaporate the material and a good and complete cut is obtained.

CO2 laser lens spot diameter and depth of field
High resolution CO2 laser lens LITE

High resolution CO2 laser lens

Laser engraving and cutting with high precision

The disadvantage of the larger depth of field and spot diameter is that the result is less sharp when laser cutting thin materials and laser engraving. That is why MetaQuip now comes with the high resolution CO2 laser lens set.

Difference standard and high resolution CO2 laser lens

Below are the results where we have always worked with the same laser settings. 

Laser engraving wood

On the right you see the difference of laser engraving with a CO2 laser machine in wood with

  • Standard CO2 laser lens (top)
  • High resolution CO2 laser lens (bottom)

As you can also see in the detail photos below, the engraving is smoother and the details are engraved tighter. Both lenses use exactly the same laser settings.

Wood laser engraving with high resolution CO2 laser lens
Co2 laser precision lens for precise engraving work
Precise engraving with CO2 precision lens. Top 2 with standard lenses, bottom with high resolution lens.

Tighter lines when laser engraving wood

On the left you see the difference between CO2 laser engraving with and without the precision lens.

  • Standard CO2 laser lens (top and middle 'brick wall')
  • High resolution CO2 laser lens (bottom)

The lines are tighter and finer. A must for precise engraving work.

Laser engraving stamps

On the right you see the difference of laser engraving with a CO2 laser machine of a rubber stamp with

  • Standard CO2 laser lens (bottom)
  • High resolution CO2 laser lens (top)
Laser engraving stamps difference in CO2 lenses
Laser engraving stamp with high resolution

Here too you can see that the engraving is smoother and tighter in detail. Both lenses use exactly the same laser settings.

Quickly switch between the standard and high resolution lens

MetaQuip supplies a complete set which allows you to quickly switch between the standard and the high resolution laser lens. The high resolution CO2 laser lens consists of a lens, lens holder and spacer.
Installing the high resolution laser lens is very easy. You unscrew the standard laser holder from the laser head and replace it with the high-resolution laser lens. Then you set the height with the height tool and you can start laser cutting or engraving. You can generally continue to use your default laser settings.

Optimize your laser settings

Since the laser light energy is bundled in a smaller spot, you may need to reduce the laser power slightly. By continuing to play with the engraving speed and line spacing, you can achieve the maximum laser engraving or cutting results.

More information

If you need more information about the high resolution laser lens, please contact the MetaQuip team.

Pay attention!

We recommend the high resolution laser lens not Can be used with the autofocus function, but manually adjust the focus height with the included height tool

Choose the right lens for the right machine!


High resolution CO2 laser lens LITE

For the CO2 laser machine LITE2 choose the yellow colored lens and lens holder below.

All other CO2 laser machines

High resolution CO2 laser lens set

For all other CO2 laser machines, choose the red colored lens and lens holder below.

This can be used with the CO2 production series.